HoneyGuaridan 6L Automatic Cat Feeder for 2 Cats, 2.4G WiFi Enabled Smart Feed Pet Feeder for Dogs

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Color: Pink
Ships From: United States
Size: 6L


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Brand Name: XMSJ

With Water Dispenser: No

Power Source: CHARGE

Min Output: 200g

Max Output: 1000g

Time Setting: Yes

Material: Plastic

Origin: Mainland China

Type: cats

About this item

  • 【WiFi Automatic Cat Feeders - APP Remote Controls Feeding】The cat automatic feeder connects fast and stably to 2.4GHz network via bluetooth permission. It only takes 30 seconds to set a feeding schedule on the app, which is much easier than using the button model. You can feed your pets anytime, anywhere on your smartphone and view the feeding log on App to make sure the automated cat feeders is working as scheduled.

  • 【6L Visible Hopper & Feed 2 Pets】You can set 1-6 meals per day and up to 24 portions of dry food per meal at scheduled times depending on your pet's needs. 1 portion is about 6g (may vary by kibble size). The timer cat feeder can store 2.2KG of pet food with the two-way food dispenser split meals in half evenly. You can feed 2 cats at same time at the cost of one device. What's more, the auto pet feeder can be switched between 1 bowl and 2 bowls.

  • 【Ensure Freshness】The cat feeder automatic with timer contains desiccant bag and sealing strip to keep food fresh and crunchy.And safety sliding lock lid makes it impossible for pets to open and sneak into the cat food dispenser for extra food.Food grade stainless steel bowl is removable for cleaning, ensuring health and hygiene and keeping your pet away from chin acne.

  • 【10s Personalized Meal Call】You can record a personal voice up to 10s to call your pets to eat and set the number of times (0 - 6) to play the recordings on App. The cat feeders automatic also supports disabling the speaker function when you need more sleep and not be disturbed on weekends.

  • 【Dual Power Supply】The timed cats feeder can be powered by DC power adapter and 3 alkaline D-size batteries (Battery NOT Included). We recommend using both battery and adapter. In the event of a power outage, the automatic dog feeder will continue to run on 3 D-size batteries to ensure your pets never miss a meal.

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HoneyGuaridan 6L Automatic Cat Feeder for 2 Cats, 2.4G WiFi Enabled Smart Feed Pet Feeder for Dogs

HoneyGuaridan 6L Automatic Cat Feeder for 2 Cats, 2.4G WiFi Enabled Smart Feed Pet Feeder for Dogs

$142.67 $165.54

HoneyGuaridan 6L Automatic Cat Feeder for 2 Cats, 2.4G WiFi Enabled Smart Feed Pet Feeder for Dogs

$142.67 $165.54
Color: Pink
Ships From: United States
Size: 6L
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